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Resurrecting the Public Death
Tammy Faye reminded us how to die.
Habitat's Ongoing Transition
The non-profit's new CEO is making long-timers upset.
My Three Dads
Get ready for the group marriage debate.
Hillary Clinton's Faith
Another Methodist in the White House?
Hanging Tough in the Tenderloin
Theme of the Week: The Difference One Can Make
Ministry in Gaza
Christians are beleaguered, especially after Hamas' takeover of the region.
Creation Display
New museum touts young-earth view.
Scientists Create Embryonic Stem Cells Without the Embryos
Process could allow for research without destroying human life.
Dr. Death Versus Christian Death
Dying well as an argument against assisted suicide.
Broadcasting the F-Word
A court rejects fines for indecent speech.
The Americanization of Islam
Adapting the faith for non-immigrants.
Sexy Evangelical Teens
They're quite sexually active, depending on what you mean by 'evangelical.'
Long Distance Parent Care
How do we care for our dying family members when we live thousands of miles away?
A Life Worth Living For
Can we better fulfill James's command to care for our widows?
Virgin shark births
Still no evidence that mammals can reproduce asexually, keeping the Incarnation classified as a miracle.
Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream
American Muslims assimilate well, survey says.
One-Child Policy Crackdown
Rioting erupts when residents are forced to pay fines for having extra kids.
Lurking Anti-Abortionists
Stillborn fetuses don't get birth certificates, only babies do.
Pro-Woman, Pro-Life
The redrawn lines of the abortion debate.
Boomer Evangelicals Are Less Political
Falwell's death brings out the obits on evangelical political activity.